Broken H Farm

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Winter time care

Old Man Winter has arrived and he’s here with a vengeance.

It’s been cold for the last few weeks but tonight will make the other nights look like child’s play. Forecasts are for it to reach negative 10 (-10F). That no fun at all. I’ve done all I can to prep the farm for it and I’ll be in the barn multiple times tonight checking on babies and swapping out jugs of hot water in their totes.

Yes, I said babies! 7 new Boer kids ranging from 2 weeks down to 5 days old are here. The does are all doing their parts to keep the kids healthy now it’s on me to do mine. The barn is buttoned up with plenty of straw bedding and each stall has an insulated “goat tote” for the babies. I’ll monitor every couple hours for any signs of distress.

Here in the house the wood stove is burning, insulated curtains are drawn and the dogs and I are under wool blankets. My house is cool by most people’s standards (65-67F) but as I say, it’s winter out. It’s supposed to be cold. Nothing wrong with wool socks and a hoody jacket. Spend 30 minutes outside and this house feels downright toasty!

I wear muck boots year round and while my feet do get cold, a pair of good wool socks makes it bearable. I believe it’s important to invest in clothing that makes your life more comfortable, so I have a good warm coat and coveralls for the barn. I also have a pair of insulated gloves for which I paid $20 and they are well worth it! No cold fingers. I am not out win fashion awards, I'm out to care for my critters in an effective manner and keep comfortably warm while doing it  

One piece of clothing I recommend having is a heated vest. I was gifted it last year and it has been a welcome addition. It takes a battery pack to power it and lasts about 3 hours before needing recharged. This vest has been very useful when processing chickens and not being able to wear a jacket. I usually have to turn it off after 30 minutes because I get so warm.

Of course on top of trying to dress warm, I try to stay healthy too. That means eating decent, using multivitamins, getting some sleep and having elderberry syrup on hand. I will dose myself with a spoonful whenever I feel a little “off”. Of course a hot cup of tea with a spoonful of honey doesn’t hurt either.

So take care of yourself, get some rest and be safe out there.