Broken H Farm

Eat Foods your Grandparents knew!

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Time. Precious Time

October is here and winter is just around the corner. The first frost has occurred, the garden is closed out, the garlic and cover crops of spelt, einkorn wheat and ladino clover are planted. Thankfully the fall rains have begun and the ground will slowly recover from a dry summer. It’s too late for the pasture to grow and I’ve already begun feeding some hay.  Terribly early, but some years are like that.

The winter wood supply is building and soon it will be time to sit infront of a good fire, a kettle of mulled wine warming, my faithful pups at my side. Winter is the time of reflection, planning, rest and dreams. I’ve already begun reflecting tho on what went right and what went wrong this year.

I’m a busy person. Eleven acres is a lot for one person to manage. I’m blessed to have a good support network of friends and neighbors who are always willing to pitch in, but I do try to manage on my own. I like to live a life my great grandparents would recognize but I’ve realized that I’m not always efficient in what I do and I only have so much time, so I need to make some changes.

The garden struggled this year. The heat and dry weather hurt the crops badly. On the list is to get a water line run over the hill to help with watering it and reduce hand carrying buckets to the pasture. To purchase more shade cloths and to get the cover on the green house early this spring.

The pasture struggled. This winter I’ll get more brush cut and open up areas for more grass. Lime and a good pasture seed mix will get better grass growing. As much as I hate it, a little bagged fertilizer will too. A small “pond” is on the list to get dug out. That will help with water.  I hope to get the hayfield fenced in too. This can be used for fall and winter pasture reducing time spent in hauling and purchasing hay.

I need to spend more time with the goats and horses. I missed a few health issues that I could have headed off before they became problematic if I had been out there more. Plus walking the pasture is just good for my tired soul. To do so I’m going to do a better job of taking my vacation days allotted to me and making those days count.

I did well (for me) at the farmer markets this year. Jams and jellies take a lot of time to make tho. How do I make more income, but be more efficient? I’m investing in more fruit plants this spring and expanding out the blackberry, raspberry and strawberry operation. I can sell the fruit unprocessed.

People like honey. The bees seem to be doing well. I hope to split my hives into at least four, maybe six, hives this coming spring. 

I stood looking over my “empire” the other day. Reflecting on how far that neglected piece of property I bought eight years ago has come. It’s been a battle, sometimes a frustrating one, but one that’s been worth fighting.

Eight years! Eight years that has gone by in a flash. Time stands still for no man (woman) and we are only gifted with a certain amount. I watch my 4 legged companions aging and I know it will soon be time to say good bye to some of them. They have done well by me, but have I done the same for them? I hope they would say Yes.  I hope when my time comes to be judged, they will whisper in God’s ear, “Let her pass, for she loved us”.

I look in the mirror and I see my grandmother’s face reflected back at me. I see the grey hairs, each one a stressful situation I survived. I see the wrinkles, each one a lesson learned the hard way. I see time passing by, but time I do not regret.

Time, time, time. How do we make the best of what God grants us? Isn’t that the big question plaguing us all?   There are days I’m just tired when I get home from my day job. I’m not alone in that I know. I long to “farmstead” full time, but I have plans that simply can’t be funded that way. So I make my lists, I dream my dreams and bide my time. I work and learn to become more efficient without sacrificing my values of a simple life, investing in tools, processes and knowledge to make my work better, faster, granting a little more Time. I work to forgive myself and others for past mistakes, realizing life is just too short and Time to precious. I work to give my animals the best life I possibly can with their time allotted and vow they will have just one bad day.

So until next time, Take Time to Reflect, take Time to Love, take Time to Just Be. You got this